23 August 2012

Getting a job in Social Media.

Hi everyone!

I know it's been ages since my last post, but I've been super busy at my new job with Glasgow 2014 and with a few other 247 Design side projects!

I've been thinking about what to post recently, and coincidenlty have seen quite a few articles popping up recently to do with getting a job in social media - which is quite apt as I've just started a new job as 'Social Media Assistant' with Glasgow 2014 - and it was quite an unusual recruitment process! (which I'll tell you about now :) )


I was on Twitter one day, and saw a retweeted post from Glasgow 2014, saying they were looking for a new Social Media Assistant with the hashtag #2014lovessocial. I was intrigued so went onto the website to find out more. There I found out that the recruitment process involved tweeting everyday, showing off your creative skills, with a tweet showing the types of ideas you'd have if you had the job - to promote the Glasgow 2014 account.

Thinking caps on! and off we went. I completed the 11 days - you can see my tweets here and was then asked to submit my CV, then had a number of preliminary phone interviews, then the main interview and here I am!

It was definitley a unique way of recruiting, and allowed the candidates real ideas and creative thinking to shine through!

My tweets & ideas!

Here's a wee infographic I quite like too:

Source site

Thanks for reading!

Do you know your twibbons from your twandanas and twadges? (anyone else watch Twenty Twelve?)

Melissa x


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