I can't believe that we're into the month of April already - where has the year gone?? This month's interviewee is @capturingbritain co-creator Rachael who talks about her 'phongraphy' habit and why she started blogging...
What's your name and where are you from?
I'm Rachael Tordraighen @rachaeltor @rachaeltor2 on instagram and @rachaeltordraig on twitter and I'm originally from Yorkshire but have lived in the East Neuk of Fife for the past four years. Living near the sea and in a rural location with big skies and fantastic light were part of the reason I took an interest in 'phonography'. This grew to the point where I had a considerable amount of followers on instagram and with that to came the creation of @capturingbritain. The instagram community I co-created and moderate.
Why did you want to start a blog?
I enjoy writing. I do it in my regular job as a researcher but the tone is always very academic. I like sharing ideas and making people think about their actions. I've always been interested in how people interact in a changing social landscape (My Masters thesis looked at this). That fascination continues to grow so it was obvious that I'd eventually start blogging on people and social networking with the scope that eventually I'll apply my talents to working in social media management.
Where do you get your writing inspiration from?
Conversations I have at random and people watching. People are full of ideas even if they don't realise it. I love people and people watching be that in the real world or even how they interact online - the things they post etc.
What would you say is the biggest misconception about a Community Managers job?
I think people don't realise the amount of time that goes into community management. To me it's like a labour of love. You also get a lot of feedback sometimes negative. You can't please everybody in the way that communities develop even if it's down to the font used on a post but i think it's key to remain my pleasant self. Any feedback is constructive. As @capturingbritain has grown and the interaction along with it I have had to recruit a team of moderators and 'manage' not only the page but them. In all fairness though as I like creativity and individuality there is no real regulation over what people post as long as it's relevant.
Who is your favourite person to follow on Instagram?
That's a tough one to answer. @jimmybobbins @marcamachofebrel are among favourites - James has amazing BNW pics and Mar is diverse and posts from her phone often with little editing but still producing amazing captures.
Where would be your favourite place to photograph in Scotland?
I'd like to go to the Isles of Lewis and Harris if any one wants to take me :).
Do you have any tips for someone looking to start a blog similar to yours?
If you want to write just do it. Write just for you and if anyone else enjoys what you have to say it's a bonus.
Thanks Rachael!
If you're a Scottish blogger and would like to be featured on The Creative Frontier then drop me an email at melissa@247-design.co.uk
Thanks, Melissa x
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